
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tin ceiling tiles

I have a HUGE love for and addiction to antique tin ceiling tiles.  I have used them in many different ways and have plans for several more projects.  So enjoy and check back often for updates:)

My first use has been simply framed as art work, because they are so beautiful.  I wouldn't be surprised if someday I have at least one hanging in each of the rooms in my house.  Actually, I am well on my way!

The next use has been as a magnet board.

I have used them to jazz up other pieces I have created.  I save even the smallest pieces and use them in ways that scrapbook paper would be used to make art.


 And the latest way I have used one is as a tray to catch the birdseed that the birds drop over the edge of the feeder.

Keep pickin'

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