
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Roadtrip October 2011 Part 3 Home Bound: Mount Rushmore, Mitchell Corn Palace, Yellowstone Park

My friend Marylea and I decided to travel home to Idaho via I-90 instead of I-80 and to stop whenever we had the urge.  We took 3 days instead of just 2 and when we got home the odometer clocked in at 3,356 miles. When we arrived in Minnesota the odometer read 1,453 miles.  I had checked the meter before we headed back to Idaho and we started the return stretch with 1,903 miles, 450 of which were traveling around the state catching up with family etc.  So the most AMAZING part of this story is...the return trip calculated out to be EXACTLY the same as the first stretch to Minnesota...1,453 miles!!!  The first 2 gas tank refills BOTH WAYS were $51 and $60!  I don't know what that all means, but I sure was surprised:)

Here are some highlights of our trip...enjoy!

Mitchell, South Dakota  Mitchell Corn Palace  The last time I was there was in 2007 when I was with the Fire Chief on the roof photographing him tossing Rookie Bear over the side for the Hero To Hero Passport Tour.  This is the first time I have been there when they are changing out the designs.



                                    Wyoming scenery



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