
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Flowers for FREE!! May 1st

Okay, I must confess when I was little I HATED flowers.  My mom had over 150 plants all around the house and even had a set of shelves just for them.    My job as a kid was to dust the house every Saturday, then I would take my quarter and go to town and buy a can of Strawberry Crush soda, or an apple Jolly Rancher stick and a box of jawbreakers.  This chore is no doubt one of the reasons I HATE to dust today.  In the 70's we had gold, olive and brown flowered PANELING on the walls and the CEILING of the dining room!  My mom bought me flowered coats with fur around the hood even though I grew up playing with (and beating up) humiliating! 

As the years went by I started to show signs of actually liking flowers and I bought a pair of jeans with a large floral print that I wore in high school.  They weren't "in style", but then again I was a non-conformist and that was okay.  So I guess that was when I accepted that flowers were okay.

So that brings us to present day and with a pleasant sunny forecast, I spent the day digging up a HUGE flower bed that my friend Barbara needed removed.  Grass was taking over and she has other plans for the space.  So...I got a couple hundred dollars worth of plants for FREE!!!  So many in fact that they filled up the back of my SUV.  There were 3 plants of my very favorite...lavendar, many shasta daisies which I also got from another friend...thanks Daphne, dianthisis, columbine, hen and chicks, tulips, hyacinths, some yellow things that I need to research as well as some ground cover and fall color leafy things!!! Now the trick is to get them to grow in MY yard.  No small feat! 

After the digging and planting was done, I pulled out all my containers to get ready planting in those.  Boy... is that an addiction I have to gain control over.  I love to put the containers all around the patio and garage because there is so much concrete everywhere, but they are very hard to keep moist in the hot, dry Idaho summers.

I'll keep you posted on the progress of growth, or lack there of.

Keep pickin'
UPdAte   July 24...MORe PhOTos!!!!!!

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