Thursday, December 8, 2011

Old Chairs and Dresser Drawers

I have been saving old chairs from the burn pile and made a few bucks in the process.  Check these out!

My first dog bed made from a chair and antique base board.
Brown bed made from a footstool base, shelf brackets and a heart shelf.  White bed from chair.

Chair legs and a wood clock frame turned upside down.  Just the right size for a Monogram.

MY FAVORITE...chair backs!
Black cork board is a chair back.

Purple chair planter...perfect for the garden!
Dresser drawer dog bed
Dresser drawer dog bed.
Dresser drawer standing on the face of the drawer.  Added small boxes, trim and black board.

Keep on Pickin'


  1. What vision you have. You have taken treasures from the past and transformed them into lives with new purpose with renewed treasure! Thank you so much for sharing your passion

  2. Very clever! Love the dresser drawer beds. Thanks for sharing these great ideas!

  3. Thank you...and you're welcome:)

  4. Shopping for bosses may seem difficult at first, but not if you go this route. Getting a nice executive chair for your boss is a great way to earn brownie points at the office and show your boss they're appreciated at the same time. Vineyard Chairs Wholesale

  5. What great ideas! You've inspired me! I wonder if I can turn my old nursery glider into a bed for the newest family member (a puppy); or maybe a doll bed for my (now grown-ish) daughter's "babies"...

  6. Wow- your creativity and attention to detail is incredible. I love the idea of salvaging and repurposing furniture, etc., but rarely see it done this well. Thank you for the inspiration. Very well done!

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  8. I love how you repurposed these chairs into unique and useful items.
