
Sunday, December 11, 2022

I'm Back!!

 Hello Friends, I recently pulled out my old laptop and connected to the internet! I thought you were lost forever when I could not access my blog on my newer devices! What a wonderful surprise!!  Here's hoping this computer lasts forever!

There is so much to catch up on! Let me fill you in bit 

I'm in Rochester, MN now and recently remarried to the most fantabulous human on the planet! He is a retired master carpenter and can bring any and all of my designs to life. We are a perfect match and we are starting up the business here in Minnesota! We plan to have occasional sales one weekend a month during the nicer months of the year, May-Novemberish, in which we will sell our repurposed creations along with vintage items and architectural salvage. We did have 2 sales this past fall but now are a little sidetracked, due to a couple deaths in the family, as we have inherited another property which needs our immediate attention.  We're not sure at this moment what that will bring for planned business sales in 2023 but we will keep you posted. Find us on Facebook as Somethin' Salvaged MN-ID Connection or on Instagram for updates.  

But...keep pickin'

Kelly & Bennett