
Saturday, January 17, 2015

$12 Dresser Transformation

I found this broken beauty for $12 at a thrift store while shopping with my niece.  The top drawer had a major chunk missing from it.  None the less, I loved it and I was so ecstatic  that I forgot I was not the one driving.  Cris had a smaller SUV than I realized, and there were 3 of us on the shopping adventure.  Fortunately we only had a few miles to go and as long as I was okay squeezing my body in among our purchases and sprawling out in the back with the dresser, it was going to work out.  But, I forgot that I too had gotten a new SUV and it was a bit smaller than my last, I just wasn't sure it would fit like I KNEW it would in my old one.  

Luckily this story has a happy ending.  I got it to my house 2 hours away without much trouble.  I filled in the gouges as much as I thought necessary, then I painted and distressed it.  
Is it perfect?  Nope.  Do I care?  Not at all.  I hate shiny new furniture.
I love the way the paint turned out.  I have to admit I am not sure how I got this crackle finish.  I do have a suspicion.   Because I use chalk paint on most of my furniture (I mix it myself with un-sanded tile grout) I do not sand before painting.  My basement where I work is only about 60 degrees so I use a heat gun to help the paint dry.  I only waited about an hour after it dried before I applied the poly top coat.  After returning to put on a second top coat I discovered the crackle.  I must admit I love it!   

Not bad for $12  :)
Keep on pickin'