
Sunday, March 13, 2011

OH What a BeAuTiFuL Day!

The sun was shining brightly today!   The air was calm and warm and that got me longing for Spring.   I can't wait to complete some landscaping AND I have BIG plans for a SMALL vegetable garden this year.  Yes you read correctly, a vegetable garden!  That is a big step for me.  With the planned completion of the house by summers end I have vowed to learn to COOK!  I know, I are wondering if you have logged on to the right blog.  Rest assured, you have!  

I have decided not to return to the classroom next year, maybe never.  Call me crazy but I feel a need for a new challenge.  The past couple of years Wayne and I have become good friends with a couple from church.  They have really inspired me to live a good wholesome life, be self-sufficient and do what I can to make this world a better place.  We have a lot of common interests and we have learned so much from them.  I feel confident that they, as well as several of the ladies from church, will be happy to do what they can to teach me the ins and outs of planting, growing and cooking food!  It is going to be a GrEAt year!

Happy Pickin'

Here are some ideas from me to you, for your flower garden! 

 Before and after photo of a playhouse at our previous home.  Add trim around the door, a PUNCH of color to the door itself, frame 2 mirrors, glue on wood strips, build a box and plant some flowers.  Oh so easy and what a change!   

 I can just see this window screwed to an old wood shed, or maybe a rusty tin shed.  Add a flower box and ta da!  Instant BeAuTy!!'s FOR SALE because I don't have a cool old building to attach it too :(

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What have I gotten myself into?

I am not much of a writer but I have decided to start a blog about some of the projects I have taken on in the past few years.  My hope is to inspire others to be creative and see the value in old, broken down objects.  Here are a few ideas for using cast iron clawfeet.

Happy Picking!
